教育经历 |
2014 - 2019,哲学博士,可持续城市规划,建筑学院,香港中文大学 (导师: Prof. Edward Ng) | ||||||||||||||||||
工作经历 |
2021.8 - 至今,助理教授,大数据公共治理,威尼斯144777欢迎您视频 2020 - 2021,Research Technician,地球与行星科学系,美国加州理工学院 (Caltech) (导师: Prof. Yuk Yung) 2017 - 2018,Visiting Scholar,建筑与规划学院,美国麻省理工学院 (MIT) (导师: Prof. Leslie Norford) |
兼任职务 |
期刊评审人: Landscape and Urban Planning; Cities; Urban Forestry & Urban Greenery; Building and Environment; Sustainable Cities and Society; ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; Transportation Research PartC Emerging Technologies; Computers Environment and Urban Systems; Journal of Cleaner Production; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; International Journal of Health Geographics; Environment, Development and Sustainability; Journal of Urbanism; Physical Geography; Wiley Book |
开设课程 |
2021 - 至今,学术硕士专业课:大数据公共治理前沿 (Frontier in Big Data Governance) 2022 - 至今,本科专业选修课:大数据公共管理 2022 - 至今,本科学科基础课:地理信息系统技术与应用 2022 - 至今,全英硕士专业课:城市环境规划 (Urban Environmental Planning) |
研究专长 |
研究方向: [1] 大数据城市环境治理 (Urban Environmental Governance) [2] 气候适应性城市规划 (Climate Adaptation Planning) [3] 绿色基础设施规划 (Green Infrastructure Planning) [4] 公共数据开发利用 (Public Data Governance) 研究项目: 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,22YJCZH034,项目名称:基于街景图像的城市街道热环境的测度与优化设计研究,2023-2025,在研,主持 中央高校基本科研业务费专项,22XNKJ11,项目名称:大数据驱动的城市街道热环境治理研究,2022-2024,在研 ,主持 威尼斯144777欢迎您视频,2022B-12,项目名称:卫星遥感和街景大数据在北京城市绿化规划治理中的应用研究,2022-2023,在研,主持威尼斯144777欢迎您视频,2022JCG028,项目名称:学科交叉的学术数据开放与共享平台建设研究,2022-2022,结题,主持 国家自然科学基金专项项目,72241434,项目名称:公共数据授权运营机制与方案设计,2023-2024,在研,研究骨干 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51278205,项目名称:澳门高密度城市绿地系统评价体系与规划指标研究,2012-2016,结题,参与澳门特别行政区土地工务局,7050235A,项目名称:澳门都市环境气候图研究,2014-2017,结题,研究骨干 澳门特别行政区市政署,4400-G11002,项目名称:澳门城市绿道网建设规划研究,2011-2012,结题,研究骨干 澳门特别行政区市政署,4400-G11001,项目名称:澳门园林建设与绿地系统规划研究,2010-2011,结题,研究骨干 澳门特别行政区市政署,4400-G10006,项目名称:澳门城市绿地系统规划纲要,2009-2010,结题,研究骨干 |
代表性成果 |
学术期刊论文: [1] Gong, F.-Y.*, Zeng, Z.-C., Zhang, F., Li, X., Ng, E., & Norford, L. K. (2018). Mapping sky, tree, and building view factors of street canyons in a high-density urban environment. Building and Environment, 134, 155-167. (SCI,IF=7.09, JCR=Q1) [2] Gong, F.-Y.*, Zeng, Z.-C., Ng, E., & Norford, L. K. (2019). Spatiotemporal patterns of street-level solar radiance estimated using Google Street View in a high-density urban environment. Building and Environment, 148, 547-566. (SCI, IF=7.09, JCR=Q1) [3] Gong, F.-Y.*, Zeng, Z.-C., & Ng, E. (2016). Modeling elderly accessibility to urban green space in high-density cities: A case study of Hong Kong. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 36, 90-97. [4] Hu, C.-B., Zhang F., Gong, F.-Y., Ratti, C., and Li X. (2020). Classification and Mapping of Urban Canyon Geometry Using Google Street View Images and Deep Multitask Learning. Building and Environment, 167, 106424. (SCI, IF=7.09, JCR=Q1) [5] Zeng, Z.-C., Wang Y., Pongetti, T. J., Gong, F.-Y., Newman, S., Li, Y., Natraj, V., Yung, Y. L., & Stanley P. S. (2020). Tracking the atmospheric pulse of a North American megacity from a mountaintop remote sensing observatory. Remote Sensing of Environment, 248, 112000. (SCI, IF=13.85, JCR=Q1) [6] Wang, H., Gong, F.-Y., Newman, S., & Zeng, Z. C. (2021). Consistent weekly cycles of atmospheric NO2, CO, and CO2 in a North American megacity from ground-based, mountaintop, and satellite measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 118809. (SCI, IF=5.76, JCR=Q1) [7] Zeng, Z.-C., B. Byrne, Gong, F.-Y., Z. He, & L. Lei, (2021). Correlation between paddy rice growth and satellite-observed methane column abundance does not imply causation. Nature Communications. 12, 1163 (2021). (SCI, IF=17.69, JCR=Q1) 代表学术荣誉: 2018年,香港中文大学研究生学术成果奖 (Postgraduate Research Output Award 2018) 2017年,全球卓越研究奖 (Global Scholarship Program for Research Excellence for 2017-18) 2015年,香港中文大学高锟教授学生创意奖 (Professor Charles K.Kao Student Creativity Awards) 2014年,香港中文大学博士研究生全额奖学金 2012年,澳门人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖 (著作类一等奖) 个人学术网站: |